Synthesis of Arithmetic Circuits:

FPGAs ASICs and Embedded Systems


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Welcome to Synthesis of Arithmetic Circuits: FPGAs ASICs and Embedded Systems Web site.

In this page one can find VHDL codes and other relevant information related with the book.

The book is published by John Wiley & Sons (ISBN: 0-471-68783-9)

Short description
This book presents methods and examples for synthesis of arithmetic circuits, including the description of arithmetic units of computers and their implementation in digital circuits. Includes mathematical aspects and algorithms (mathematical background, number representation, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, and operations); synthesis of arithmetic circuits (hardware platforms, general principles, adders, subtractors, multipliers, dividers, and operators; and arithmetic operations (applications including arithmetic operations, convolution algorithms, and cryptography). The table of contents is also here.

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The Authors

The Book

Jean Pierre Deschamps

Gery A. Bioul

Gustavo D. Sutter

Deschamps, Jean-Pierre / Bioul, Gery J. A. / Sutter, Gustavo D.
Synthesis of Arithmetic Circuits: FPGA, ASIC and Embedded Systems

1st Edition - March 2006
576 Pages, Hardcover
ISBN 0-471-68783-9 - John Wiley & Sons

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This site was last updated 11/02/07