Short Biography


Short Biography


Gustavo Sutter short biography

Academic Degrees:

  • Ph.D Degree in Computer Engineering. Thesis "Low Power Techniques in FPGAs". School of Engineering – Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. April 2005.

  • System Engineer (Computer Science), National University of Buenos Aires Province. Tandil, Argentina 8.9/10. November 1997.

  • Analyst Programmer, National University of Buenos Aires Province (UNCPBA). Tandil, Argentina, 8.7/10. February 1996.

  • Electro Mechanics technical degree, “Mtro Senillosa” technical high school. Tandil, Argentina, December 1989.


  • Research and Teaching Staff at School of Engineering, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Madrid, Spain.  As assistant lecturer : Computer Architecture and technologies I; Digital Circuit Design, Electronic Design with FPGAs, Computer Networks, Computer Architectures and Technologies. 2002-present.

  • Teaching for companies in the last ten year through the ElectraTraining initiative ( Teaching more than twenty FPGA related courses and organizing more than fifty seminar and courses of embedded system design, PCBs and parallel computing.

  • Research and Teaching Staff at Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (UNCPBA), Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. (Computer Sciences Department)Tandil, Argentina.  As lecturer : Introduction to Systems Architecture. As assistant lecturer : Computer Architecture I;  Algorithm Design and Analysis (course I and II); Programming in Assembly Language. 1997–2002.

  • Teaching Staff at FASTA University, Mar del Plata, Argentina.  As lecturer : Computer Architectures II. 1999–2002.

  • Assistant Staff at National University of Buenos Aires Province, Computer Science  Department. Tandil, Argentina. As undergraduate assistant of: Physics I; Computing II (Algorithm Design in C/C++);  Architecture and Programming of Processors. 1993–1997.


  • 2002 Joined the the School of Engineering, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. See projects of last years 

  • 1996 Joined the INCA (Computer Applications Research Institute), at UNCPBA university (Faculty of Exact Science) in Tandil, Argentina. Working in the following projects: Algorithm for Embedded Systems: Tools and Methodology Project, 2000-2003. ASICTAN-Embedded Systems Methodology Project. Working in a Retargetable ADA compiler for embedded systems.1997-1999. Fuzzy Logic Controllers Methodology Project. Finally an ASIC fuzzy logic controller was designed and fabricated in ES2 1mm technology. 1996-1997.

  • As results, three books and more than fifty papers were published in various international conferences (see publications).

  • The interesting areas are FPGA Design, Digital Arithmetic, Computer Architectures, Low Power Design techniques, embedded systems design and High Performance Computing.


  Granted Projects (last 10 years):

  • 2010-2012 Forensic, longitudinal and blind analysis of Internet traffic (ANFORA). TEC2009-13385

  • 2011-2014 Development and Verification of Complex Digital Systems

  • 2007-2010: Efficient Protection of IP Cores Described at High Level Languages. TEC2007-68074-C02-02/MIC.

  • 2007-2008: "Availability Study of a Tripanosoma Cruzi portable detector". As Director.

  • 2005-2006. Joint Regional Latin American Laboratories on FPGA Technologies.

  • 2003-2004 Reconfigurable Computation Systems (SCORE)

  • 2001-2004 IP core design for wireless communications. Low power optimization in mobile terminals (LPLAN).

  Projects with companies and others(last 5 years):

  • 2011-2013 High Performance Reconfigurable Computing Applied Aerodynamics Simulation (CORESIMULAERO).

  • 2011-2012 Training PCB designs and Signal Integrity in PCBs.. As Director

  • 20010-2011. Training in Linux for Embedded Systems. As Director

  • 2009-2011 Design Optimization by Virtual REality Simulation (DOVRES), part of the FUSIM-E initiative.

  • 2008-2010. Introduction of Reprogrammable Technoloiges in Local Industries. As Director.

  • 2007-2009. Technologies for the development of Embedded Systems. As Director.

  • 2006-2007. SPL07 – Internacional Conference on Programmable Logic. As Director.

  • 2006-2007. Design of IP cores for Adaptive-Optic in Astrophysics Applications. As Director.

  • 2006. Embedded Systems Training Activities. As Director

  • 2005-2006. FPL06 - Internacional Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Aplicacions.

  • 2005-2006. FPGA Training Activities for Spanish Companies.

  • 2005-2006. MicroBlaze-MicroLinux Embedded System for Ink-Jet Print control

  • 2004-2005. Digital Television Message and Fidelization System.

  • 2004-2005. Introduction of FPGA technologies in small and medium enterprises

Conferences & committes:

  • General Co-Chair at SPL 2011 (VII Southern Conference on Programmable Logic), Cordoba, Argentina. April 1-3, 2011. IEEE proceedings.

  • Publicity Chair at 2009 International Conference on ReConFigurable Computing and FPGAs(Reconfig) . December 9-11, 2009, Cancun, Mexico IEEE proceedings.

  • Program Chair at V Southern Conference on Programmable Logic (SPL2009), São Carlo, Brasil. IEEE proceedings. April 1-3, 2009.

  • General co-Chair at IV Southern Conference on Programmable Logic (SPL2008), Bariloche, Argentina. IEEE proceedings. March 26-28, 2008

  • Program Chair at VII Reconfigurable Computing and Applications Conference (Jornadas de Computación Reconfigurable y Aplicaciones) JCRA07. September 12-14, 2007.

  • Program Chair at III Southern Conference on Programmable Logic (SPL2007), Mar del Plata, Argentina. IEEE proceedings. February 26-28, 2007.

  • Publicity chair and Local Committee at I International Workshop on the Arithmetic of Finite Fields (WAIFI 2007). Springer Verlag, LNCS proceedings. Madrid, Spain, June 21-22, 2007.

  • PhD Forum Chair and local arrangements at 16th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL06). IEEE proceedings, biggest conference in programmable logic area. Madrid, Spain. August 2006.

  • General Co-Chair at II Southern Conference on Programmable Logic (SPL2006), Mar del Plata, Argentina. March, 2006.

  • Chair of round Table at “SURLABS: Regional Joint Latin American Laboratories on FPGA Technology”; March 14-18, 2005.

  • Local committee at III Workshop on Reconfigurable Computing and Applications (JCRA03). Madrid, Spain.


  • Invited Talks: more than 15. List available on demand.

  • Courses for industries: more than 30. List available on demand.

  • Internal publications: more than 20. List available on demand.

  • Undergraduate final work direction: 8 works. List available on demand.

  • MSc direction: 6 works. List available on demand.

  • Scholarships and Awards: more than ten scholarship grants and three awards.

  • Programe Committee and reviewer:  in more than 15. List available on demand.


  • This year I am involved in those conferences:

    JCRA12 - XiI Jornadas de Computación Reconfigurable y aplicaciones. sept 2012.

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This site was last updated 04/12/12